disapTitle French Revolutions
Author Richard Moore
ISBN 0-999-43382-6
Richard Moore is your typical everyman, he could be us, which is what makes this book so engaging. He starts out just riding his bike for commuting purposes but then decides to follow the entire Tour de France route. From tentative early attempts to ride a racing bike and encountering the wildlife of London to France and riding around a car park because no-one will tell him the route and then charting his progress stage by stage. Whether alone, with a friend, or with his family in support he never loses heart and his writing reflects his love for cycling and his sense of humour.
100 Words from Matthew Welton
100 Words from Matthew Welton
What I remember about physics is that each thing has its own properties.
Fit a bike with rubber tyres, you might get the occasional puncture but you’ll have a generally comfortable ride.
Stay away from the A-roads and you stay away from the traffic, plus you’ll probably get an uninterrupted view of uninterrupted village lanes.
A film that shows the everyday life of an East Midlands city might, when seen in an East Midlands cinema, demonstrate something you’d have to be there to understand.
Put the effort into riding your bike uphill, you get to freewheel down the other side.