Toen we mijn oud-tante weer eens bezochten in haar flat te Epe (ze was toen 95 jaar oud) vertelde ze me dat ik haar fiets mee kon nemen naar Engeland, want mijn vader had haar verteld dat zij er niet meer op mocht rijden. Die ging dus mee op het dak van de auto. Toen we bij de tunnel aankwamen reden we onder een maximum hoogte hek door en verloren de fiets, die we hadden vergeten. We probeerden toen op de fiets de tunneltrein in te gaan, maar dat werd niet toegestaan. De fiets was al 60 jaar en onbeschadigd.
When we visited my great aunt in her apartment in Epe, Holland (at the time she was 95 years old) she told me that I could take her bicycle to England. My father had prohibited her from riding it any longer. When we arrived at a maximum headroom sign at the Channel Tunnel, we had forgotten the bike was on the roof of the car. When the bike came off we tried to ride it onto train but that was not allowed. The bike was already 60 years old and not damaged. Any conversation afterwards she always mentioned missing cycling.
100 Words from Matthew Welton
100 Words from Matthew Welton
What I remember about physics is that each thing has its own properties.
Fit a bike with rubber tyres, you might get the occasional puncture but you’ll have a generally comfortable ride.
Stay away from the A-roads and you stay away from the traffic, plus you’ll probably get an uninterrupted view of uninterrupted village lanes.
A film that shows the everyday life of an East Midlands city might, when seen in an East Midlands cinema, demonstrate something you’d have to be there to understand.
Put the effort into riding your bike uphill, you get to freewheel down the other side.
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