100 Words from Matthew Welton

100 Words from Matthew Welton

What I remember about physics is that each thing has its own properties.

Fit a bike with rubber tyres, you might get the occasional puncture but you’ll have a generally comfortable ride.

Stay away from the A-roads and you stay away from the traffic, plus you’ll probably get an uninterrupted view of uninterrupted village lanes.

A film that shows the everyday life of an East Midlands city might, when seen in an East Midlands cinema, demonstrate something you’d have to be there to understand.

Put the effort into riding your bike uphill, you get to freewheel down the other side.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

100 Words from Charlie

What cycling means to me.

When I think of cycling, my first thought is freedom, freedom to express myself through which bike I choose, where I go, what style of riding I do and who I ride with. In my eyes, cycling gives uncontested benefits to my health even if I ride for a short time. Cycling also means to me care for the environment as I take a conscious choice not to use a motorised vehicle which can emit harmful by-products into the atmosphere. I’m currently very excited about the recent developments in cycling through organisations like SusTrans who are providing all kinds of cycle routes throughout the U.K for use by anyone at anytime. As more substitute their car trips for cycling, hopefully it will become more popular.

At cykel; hvad det betyder for mig.

Når jeg tænker om at ride på min cykel, tænker jeg på frihed. Jeg tænker på cyklen jeg rider, hvor jeg tager hen, hvordan jeg rider og hvem jeg rider sammen med. Jeg tænker på hvor godt for sundheden det er at ride og fa noget frisk luft, det er lige meget hvis det varer en time eller ti minutter. Hvis jeg siger at jeg vil cykle istedet for at køre, ved jeg at det er bedre for mine omgivelser. Lige nu er jeg rigtigt imponerede med udviklinger i cykel verden, specielt igennem firmaer ligesom SusTrans. SusTrans viser de mange forskellige vejer at man kan tage hvis man kører på cykel som alle i UK kan bruge. Alle kan køre på cykel, og vis flere mennesker vælger at køre på cykel i stedet for i bil, bliver det forhåbentlig mere populaer.

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