100 Words from Matthew Welton

100 Words from Matthew Welton

What I remember about physics is that each thing has its own properties.

Fit a bike with rubber tyres, you might get the occasional puncture but you’ll have a generally comfortable ride.

Stay away from the A-roads and you stay away from the traffic, plus you’ll probably get an uninterrupted view of uninterrupted village lanes.

A film that shows the everyday life of an East Midlands city might, when seen in an East Midlands cinema, demonstrate something you’d have to be there to understand.

Put the effort into riding your bike uphill, you get to freewheel down the other side.

Thursday 25 November 2010

100 Words from Kiran

My Personal Experience

I first learned how to ride a bicycle when I was 5 years old in Uganda. I use
to ride my first bicycle named “PRINCE” everywhere I went to show it off. I
use to go racing on my bicycle with my friends

Later I moved to London (UK) and still used my bicycle everywhere I went
including at work only this time my bicycle was a proper raleigh racer with 6

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